Michael Crapo | Idaho Senator (for now)

Michael Crapo US Senator IdahoA lot of good things come from Idaho. The obvious one is the potato. They are delicious, healthy, and sometimes shaped like US Presidents’ heads. Idaho also produces beautiful women. I know this because I married one (check out her healthy eating blog).

Now when it comes to senators, Idaho has some work to do. Remember this guy? Oh…Larry Craig…thank you for leaving and never coming back.

Now we have Michael Crapo. We all know the story. It’s one we have heard before. Mormon senator appears to be drunk and tells his constituents one thing and then does another. Oh wait…that’s not correct…I was thinking of a Utah senator.

Back to Crapo. I am sure there will be more details to come out, but for now I will assume the best. Seems like a good guy that tried to be a good Mormon  It’s unfortunate that he had to put other lives in danger in order to allow this information to come to the surface. I hope he gets things figured out both socially and religiously.

Maybe he’ll be back on top by 2016 so we can have the Hatch/Crapo presidential ticket, eh? (heaven help us)

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