Politicians Are Weiners
This may be old news, but I wanted to make sure I got my Weiner opinion on record. Actually, I just wanted to see if I could capture sliminess in the form of a cartoon. How’d I do?
Anthony Weiner has two addictions. Not only is he addicted to posting selfies of his chest and posting them online (did he just check out of a starvation camp?), he is also addicted to politics. There are many addictions that are easy to fall into. Peer pressure plays a large part in drug addiction (from what I am told), and gambling turns into an addiction because you make more and more money. But POLITICS???? What would ever appease someone of taking the first drag on the joint of politics? Well…this Weiner has done it and can’t seem to just disappear into his world of inappropriate tweets.
The other addiction that is concerning is the addition New Yorkers have on crummy politicians. How’d this Weiner guy even get on the ticket of consideration.
To New Yorkers and all political Weiners–time to check into rehab.
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